Road Safety

The Motor Accident Commission and the South Australia Police work together to promote safe behaviour by all road users, ultimately aiming to reduce the number of crashes on SA roads and their impact on people's lives.
Cycling has become an increasingly popular activity. In the last six years South Australians have bought more bicycles than motor vehicles with 95,000 cyclists riding at least once a week for recreation, transport and fitness.

This year as of 26 August 2016 there have already been five cyclist fatalities. This compares to the number of cyclist fatalities to the same time in 2015 of 1.
42 cyclists this year have also been seriously injured on our roads and this is compared to the numbers of injuries last year in the same time period of 41 cyclists.
We cannot afford to be complacent. We continue to work with our road safety partners to deliver programs that improve road user safety.
It's imperative that motorists and cyclists respect one another's safety while Sharing the Road. After all, "Road Safety is Everyone's Responsibility".